Remote Sensing Archive
09 May 2020
A Flock of “Doves” up in space shows how our planet looks in real time
Lunar landing strategic 17 initially gave us the perspective on our planet, our home the Earth and throughout the decades satellite symbolism has changed the manner in which we people see space. Following the progressions happening in our dynamic planet has consistently been a reason for worry, since sending satellites up there is madly costly.
09 May 2020
Worldview revealed destruction of Palmyra`s most prized archaeological sites
As of late the all the news headers were overwhelmed with the updates on the catch of the city of Palmyra, Syria by the Syrian armed force from the Islamic state.This old city holds the most prized archeological landmarks of antiquated development some of which goes back to the pre-Islamic period. Archeologists consider the city
09 May 2020
Satellite Archaeology: “A New Door to the Past”
Indiana Jones may have looked through length and breadths of dull abandoned grounds looking for notable demolishes however our 21st century woman Indiana Jones Dr. Sarah Parcak a prominent space prehistorian, found various vestiges of lost urban areas and old development of Egypt sitting in her Lab in Alabama. Dr. Parcak is the establishing executive
09 May 2020
“Looking through its legs” A New Kind of Landscape Photography.
Presentation: Satellites look straightforwardly down at the earth, which show level and guide like geography, yet just hardly any satellite pictures give us a feeling of the scene. On September 10, 2015, WorldView-3 followed an unordinary course. As it disregarded the Pacific, it turned around and took a gander at the mainland toward the east
09 May 2020
Man-made Island is constructed to save Lagos’s economy
Logos is one of the most thickly populated urban communities of Africa, which is imperiled by rising ocean levels. As the name “logos” recommends the city of the lake, its populace lives in drifting shanty ghettos. Lagos comprises of a territory and a progression of islands, which make it particularly vulnerable to rising ocean levels.
09 May 2020
Syria; from light to darkness
Syria, a nation in Western Asia is influenced by common war throughout the previous 6 years. The war is between the legislature of President Bashar al-Assad, alongside its partners, and different powers restricting the administration which influences a large number of individuals. Syria was formaly one of the eastern Mediterranean’s significant force provider. The nation
08 May 2020
Aerodrome Mapping Database

Atom Aviation is a main supplier of business high-goals earth perception and progressed geospatial arrangements. As a major aspect of our specific administrations, we have created an AMDB (Aerodrome Mapping Database). AMDB is an exceptionally exact and exact database dependent on worldwide norms. Information is caught from high goals sound system sets utilizing Photogrammetry programming
08 May 2020
TerraSAR-X satellite monitors Hurricane Harvey, caused Floods in Texas, USA.

The ongoing development in the quantity of catastrophic events has become an overall occasion, these fiascos, harm hydrological and natural environmental factors and man-made foundation, which undermines human life. Satellite pictures of TerraSAR-X offers important help for checking these catastrophes and for post-occasion emergency the executives. This information isuseful for early notice and snappy harm
08 May 2020
Satellite images reveal violence in Myanmar
Myanmar otherwise called Burma is a Southeast Asian country with an all out zone of 6,78,500 square kilometers, flanking India, Bangladesh, China, Laos and Thailand. On fourth January 1948, the country got autonomous from the British. Numerous religions are rehearsed in Myanmar for example Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Tribal religions and Hinduism. Satellite pictures of DigitalGlobe
08 May 2020
3D Landscape (DSM/DTM) Service.

Our earth has a huge scope of scenes including mountains, valleys, thickly forested or lush scenes and furthermore man-made foundation. Atom Geospatial Services offers 3D scene types of assistance to our regarded clients. 3D scene incorporate DSM (Digital Surface Model) and DTM (Digital Terrain Model) of 60cm, 1m, 2m, 3m, 4m, 5m and 10m goals.