GPR (Ground-penetrating radar) survey Services: Atom Aviation is providing GPR (Ground-penetrating radar) survey services for government and commercial Area users for over 5 years. Our professional staff is dedicated to enhancing our GPR processes and production centers to deliver the highest quality products at a competitive price. Various applications use GPR surveys, including utility mapping, environmental site investigations, geotechnical assessments, and archaeological research. This non-intrusive method provides valuable insights into subsurface conditions without the need for extensive excavation, making it an efficient and versatile tool in the field of geophysics.
The GPR receiver records electromagnetic waves as they encounter different materials with varying electrical properties (e.g., soil, rock, buried objects, voids, or archaeological remains) and reflect back to the surface. By analyzing the time delay and amplitude of these reflections, geophysicists and engineers can create a subsurface profile, revealing information about the depth, thickness, and also nature of the subsurface features.